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Prof.  Guy  LE LAY
Aix-Marseille University,  France

Title: From the Birth of Silicene and Germanene to the Rising Stars Stanene and Plumbene


The artificial monoelemental counterparts of graphene, coined Xenes, are all heirs of silicene, the first synthetic two-dimensional (2D) Dirac material created in 2012. These new 2D allotropes of Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb have sizeable spin-orbit couplings, allowing for the quantum spin Hall effect, possibly at room temperature and even above ; down column IV, plumbene was lastly realized in 2019.
Quantum spin Hall insulators (2D topological insulators) generate immense interest with the prospects of breakthrough applications from Field-Effect Transistors to spintronics and quantum computation.
In the chemistry sector, group IV Xenes are considered for improved batteries, solar cells, and, typically, for hydrogen storage.
Major applications are also envisaged in nanobiology, nanomedicine and for cancer cell theranostics.
Here, I will discuss the genesis of silicene, the strinking emergent properties of group IV Xenes, as well as their outstanding multifaceted outcomes.


Prof. Guy LE LAY is a pioneer of the synthesis of Xenes, from silicene (2012) down to plumbene (2019). He is an expert in NanoScience and Synchrotron Radiation, serving for eight years as a member of the European Round Table on Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers. He has also collaborated with the ESA and the NASA as co-PI of the Mercuric Iodide Crystal Growth experiment inside the First International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-1) onboard the Discovery shuttle, in January 1992.
During his career, he has chaired and organized a large number of international Schools, Workshops and Conferences and served in many UNESCO, NATO, EC, international, national and regional panels and expert committees.

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